CONTRIBUTOR: Joel Phillips


This robot is made from a single PCB and some basic electronic components. The PCB fit the available range or PLATFORMS from http://www.teaching-innovation.com/shop/products/. The brain of the Robot is a PICAXE microcontroller than uses either a BASIC programming language, or a graphical flowchart based programming software both available from http://www.picaxe.com/Software. The robot kits comes with all of the components ready to solder. then once you assemble the wheels and gearbox your robot will be able to move around the room as you have asked it to in your program. There are also some sensors available to make your robot more intelligent such as: ultrasonic object detection sensor, line following sensor, colour sensor, bump sensor, and you can also make your own. The robot is designed to accept any of the PLATFORM’s by Teaching-Innovation and can therefore be made into a remote control robot with either; 433Mhz wireless, or InfraRed communication. You could also add the LCD-PLATFORM, or BlueToothPLATFORM to the robot so that it can communicate with you more easily.

Suggested year level ideas:

– Yr 7 to 8 – basic programming; get the robot to follow a predetermined maze / line following.

-Yr 9 to 10 – assemble robot, basic programming, object avoidance / rescue robot.

-Yr 11 to 12 – external communication, soccer robot, use brain on larger DIY robot


PICAXE Robot by TeachingInnovation.com


coming soon.


– http://www.teaching-innovation.com/shop/products/roboplatform/

– many more resources to come.

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